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Breed Standards

Head moderately short

Face dished

snout board

Jaw straight

Jowl light

Eyes set well apart

Wide between the ears, which should be fairly large and inclined forward and outward and fringed with fine hair.

Thick and straight underline with at least twelve (preferably fourteen) sound even spaced, well placed teats starting well forward.

Back long and level to root of tail with well-sprung ribs

Legs straight and fairly short, well set apart, bone fine and flat pasterns, standing well up on toes and a good walker.

Skin free from coarseness, winkles and spots

Coat of fine quality


The Middle White is

Calm and very child friendly and ideal for young handlers’ classes at shows

Easily Managed

Finished at 50/55Kg

Well known for its superior flavour

Great crackling and Excellent suckling pig

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